Methods of econometric analysis and demonstration modeling were employed. 研究方法:计量经济分析方法和建模。
Then, the effects on land degradation are discussed based on the above analytical framework and the econometric analysis using state-level data. 然后基于这一思路,并结合对全国层面统计数据的计量分析,深入探讨了转型期中国的耕地非农化对土地退化的影响;
A Dynamic Econometric Analysis of the Interrelations between Business Circulation Industry and Economic Development in Chongqing 重庆市商贸流通业对经济发展的动态计量分析
Spatial econometric analysis of Kuznets 'relationship between environmental quality and economic growth 环境质量与经济增长库兹尼茨关系空间计量分析
The Theoretic Assumption and Econometric Analysis on Rootstocks of Unemployment in Guangzhou 广州城镇失业根源的理论假设和计量模型分析
Economics is empirically oriented: it uses the tools of statistical and econometric analysis to test theoretical predictions against economic data. 经济学是实证的导向:它使用统计和计量分析工具来测试对经济数据的理论预测。
Quantitative Study of the Relationship between Regional Fiscal Income and Economic Growth in China& Econometric Analysis Based on the VAR Model 区域性财政收入与经济增长之间的定量研究&基于向量自回归模型的经济计量分析
A spatial econometric analysis of the impacts of human factors on environment in China 环境影响评价中人文因素作用的空间计量
The Basis of Determining the Proportion between Public Educational Appropriations and GDP: An Econometric Analysis of Mathematical Models 确定公共教育经费占GDP比重的依据&基于计量经济学理论的数学模型分析
Econometric analysis of real estate investment and regional economic growth in Heilongjiang province 黑龙江省房地产投资与国民经济增长计量分析
Econometric Analysis of Farmer Choosing Land Use in Hilly Areas of Sichuan Province 四川丘陵地区农民农地用途选择的计量分析
Econometric Analysis of Regional Newspaper Publication Development in China 中国报纸出版业区域发展不均衡性的计量分析
Spatial Econometric Analysis on Provincial Economic Growth Convergence of China 中国大陆省市经济增长收敛性的空间计量经济分析
Influencing Factors of China's Provincial Financial Industry Clusters with Spatial Econometric Analysis 中国省域金融产业集聚影响因素的空间计量分析
Econometric analysis of population growth 人口增长的经济计量分析
Econometric Analysis of Outsource's Impact to China Software Industry's International Competitiveness 外包对中国软件业国际竞争力影响的计量分析
Econometric Analysis of Chinese Tourism's Contribution to National Economy 中国旅游业发展对国民经济贡献的计量分析
Through the econometric analysis, the paper argue that it exists cointegration relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth. 运用计量分析方法,论证了人力资本与经济增长之间存在着长期协整关系;
A Spatial Econometric Analysis of HeBei 'Regional Economic Growth Convergence 河北省经济发展区域收敛性的空间计量分析
Further econometric analysis based on the neo-classical convergence framework on inter-provincial economic growth during the transitional period leads to the conclusion of conditional convergence. 本文以新古典收敛模型为框架,对转型时期各省区的经济发展进行计量分析,得出了条件收敛的结论。
Situation Prediction of Supply and Demand of Coal Resources and the Development Countermeasure in the Provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang in Northeast China; The Dynamic Econometric Analysis of the Factors that Affect Supply-Demand of China Coal Industry 东北三省煤炭资源供需形势预测及发展对策研究我国煤炭行业供给与需求影响因素的动态计量分析
Research on Changing Mechanism of Energy Consumption Intensity of China and Asymmetric Effects of Price& The Econometric Analysis Based on Structural VEC Model 中国能源消耗强度变动机制与价格非对称效应研究&基于结构VEC模型的计量分析
Spatial Econometric Analysis of the Relationship of Provincial Government Spending and GDP 省级地方政府财政支出与国内生产总值关系的空间计量分析
The Econometric Analysis Of Chinas Rural Development Of Informal Finance And Its Economic Growth; 农村正规金融发展和经济增长之间的相互作用有可能产生多重的、稳定状态的均衡。
Through the econometric analysis the paper tests the conclusion of the model and gives two proposals eventually. 通过计量分析本文对模型的结论予以了检验,并试图提出新的启示。
The Dynamic Econometric Analysis of the Factors that Affect Supply-Demand of China Coal Industry 我国煤炭行业供给与需求影响因素的动态计量分析
The model uses branch activity analysis, econometric analysis and linear programming. 该模型采用了部门活动水平分析、计量经济分析和线性规划分析方法,可应用于温室气体减排技术选择和减排对经济影响分析。
Methods of mathematical, statistic and econometric analysis were employed. 研究方法:数理分析与统计和计量分析。
Based on these basic research, obtained the regional spatial econometric analysis of economic issues has important advantages. 基于这些基础研究,得出空间计量经济学在分析区域经济问题上有其重要的优势。
On this basis, an empirical research on relationship of joint development has been made by way of co-integration analysis and Granger causality test econometric analysis. 在此基础上,采用协整分析和格兰杰因果检验的计量经济学分析方法,对陕西两业联动发展关系进行了实证研究。